Welcome to my Audio Production Classes Main Page.

Live Sound Reinforcement (was MUSM 306)       Studio Recording Techniques (was MUSM 342)      
Some of what's on this page:
Decibel exposure time guidelines, Hearing protection for musicians
Decibels, dbu, dbV, dbv, etc explained
Reference/Resource Pages
Other Online Docs
More links to Audio Websites
Fundamental Frequencies of Piano, Bass and Guitar

Useful Reference/Resource Pages:
Mackie Glossary
The EV PA bible
Glossary at Sweetwater
Some good articles about church sound (and fixed installations in general) at churchsoundcheck.com
Dictionary of electrical terms for the sound engineer
Mix magazine online

W.A.M. Women's Audio Mission
Alternative Careers for Sound Engineers

Caig De-Oxit - contact cleaner and de-oxidizer Best intermittent-connection fixer I've ever found
Velcro 90924 Reusable Self-Gripping Ties, 8" x 1/2", black & gray, 50 Ties per pack for ~$6!
Velcro 94257 Reusable Self-Gripping Ties, 15" x 1/2", black & gray, 30 straps per pack for ~$5!

Other Online Docs for gear:
AKG AT (Audio Technica) Behringer Crown Amps Community dbx EV (Electro-Voice) Furman Mackie Pro-Tools QSC Rane Yamaha
(I've got boatloads of other links - please ask...)

Pages w More links to Audio Websites:
Hyperreal Manufacturers Links
AES (Audio Engineering Society

Please let me know if any links don't work or have died. I run a linkchecker regularly, but some websites seem to get 'redecorated' constantly...

Decibel Exposure Time Guidelines
Accepted standards for recommended permissible exposure time for continuous time weighted average noise, according to NIOSH and CDC, 2002.
For every 3 dBs over 85dB, the permissible exposure time before possible damage can occur is cut in half.
Continuous dBPermissible Exposure Time
85 db8 hours
88 dB4 hours
91 db2 hours
94 db1 hour
97 db30 minutes
100 db15 minutes
103 db7.5 minutes
106 dB3.75 min
109 dB1.875 min
112 dB.9375 min (~1 min)
115 dB.46875 min (~30 sec)
(Sigh) From OSHA website:
90db8 hours
93db5.3 hours
96db3.5 hours
99db2.3 hours
102db1.5 hours
105db1 hour
108db0.66 hour (40 minutes)
111db0.44 hour (26 minutes)
115db0.25 hour (15 minutes)
118db0.16 hour (10 minutes)
121db0.11 hour (6.5 minutes)
124db0.072 hour (4 minutes)
H.E.A.R. Hearing Education and Awareness for Musicians
Etymotic ER-20 Earplugs docs
Sonic II earplugs: great for gunshots, not flat at all.
Etymotic Earplugs
Newsweek story about hearing loss among musicians, etc.

Decibels and their variations (dBv, dBu, dBV, dBm) Explanations in increasing level of complexity:
soundonsound article: Decibels Explained

Calculator that converts between db versions (VRMS | dBm | dBu | dBV)

Free subscription to TapeOp

1 rackspace = 1U = 1.75inches = 44.45mm

Search the audio newsgroups archives at google (enter "*audio*" in the "newsgroups" field).

Audio Engineering Society (AES): Education

Technical Standards publications of interest to audio engineering:
Audio Engineering Society (AES)
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Fundamental Frequencies of Piano
 Piano Kybrd
Courtesy of Vibrationdata.com
Piano Page

The number beside each key is the fundamental frequency in units of cycles per seconds, or Hertz.
For example, the A4 key has a frequency of 440 Hz.
Note that A5 has a frequency of 880 Hz. The A5 key is thus one octave higher than A4 since it has twice the frequency.
An overtone is a higher natural frequency for a given string. The overtones are "harmonic" if each occurs at an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency.

Fundamental Frequencies of notes on Guitar and Bass Guitar in Hz (261.63 is middle C on a piano)
0 (open) 82.41 110.00 146.83 196.00 246.94 329.63
1 87.31 116.54 155.56 207.65 261.63 349.23
2 92.50 123.47 164.81 220.00 277.18 369.99
3 98.00 130.81 174.61 233.08 293.66 392.00
4 103.83 138.59 185.00 246.94 311.13 415.30
5 110.00 146.83 196.00 261.63 329.63 440.00
6 116.54 155.56 207.65 277.18 349.23 466.16
7 123.47 164.81 220.00 293.66 369.99 493.88
8 130.81 174.61 233.08 311.13 392.00 523.25
9 138.59 185.00 246.94 329.63 415.30 554.37
10 146.83 196.00 261.63 349.23 440.00 587.33
11 155.56 207.65 277.18 369.99 466.16 622.25
12 164.81 220.00 293.66 392.00 493.88 659.26
13 174.61 233.08 311.13 415.30 523.25 698.46
14 185.00 246.94 329.63 440.00 554.37 739.99
15 196.00 261.63 349.23 466.16 587.33 783.99
16 207.65 277.18 369.99 493.88 622.25 830.61
17 220.00 293.66 392.00 523.25 659.26 880.00
18 233.08 311.13 415.30 554.37 698.46 932.33
19 246.94 329.63 440.00 587.33 739.99 987.77
20 261.63 349.23 466.16 622.25 783.99 1046.50
21 277.18 369.99 493.88 659.26 830.61 1108.73
22 293.66 392.00 523.25 698.46 880.00 1174.66
   Bass Guitar
0 (open) 41.20 55.00 73.42 98.00
1 43.65 58.27 77.78 103.83
2 46.25 61.74 82.41 110.00
3 49.00 65.41 87.31 116.54
4 51.91 69.30 92.50 123.47
5 55.00 73.42 98.00 130.81
6 58.27 77.78 103.83 138.59
7 61.74 82.41 110.00 146.83
8 65.41 87.31 116.54 155.56
9 69.30 92.50 123.47 164.81
10 73.42 98.00 130.81 174.61
11 77.78 103.83 138.59 185.00
12 82.41 110.00 146.83 196.00
13 87.31 116.54 155.56 207.65
14 92.50 123.47 164.81 220.00
15 98.00 130.81 174.61 233.08
16 103.83 138.59 185.00 246.94
17 110.00 146.83 196.00 261.63
18 116.54 155.56 207.65 277.18
19 123.47 164.81 220.00 293.66
20 130.81 174.61 233.08 311.13
21 138.59 185.00 246.94 329.63
22 146.83 196.00 261.63 349.23
credit: http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~dgb/index_e.htm

"Allegro Audio" my personal audio webpage

i am a total geek URL of this webpage: http://books57.net/SCC_index.html